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Our reviews

(59 Reviews)
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June 13, 2024
It was good but portion of pork was to small

May 26, 2024
The food is always excellent and the service is quick. Thank you :) I love this restaurant.

May 22, 2024

May 03, 2024
Great cost per value !

April 25, 2024
Top as always

March 19, 2024
Quick, tasty, friendly 😊

March 03, 2024
Les crevettes tempura étaient trop cuites avec de la vieille huile et les suchis étaient ok seulement.

February 05, 2024
Food and service at Ichiraku Kawaki have always been excellent! I've always been served meals with fresh ingredients and both hot & cold dishes have full, deep flavors. I'll continue to visit at least every month. Thank you!

January 21, 2024
I pay for spicy mayo but it was not added.

The sushi is very good and include large portions.

January 14, 2024
The taste was good. But I spent Time to write a comment asking to not put some ingredients in my order for Nothing…
For the price it costs, at least I would like my request is followed.